
Why Should Architects Specify Fire-Retardant Timber Cladding?

Timber cladding is a great choice for architects, with its natural beauty, carbon capture and character it’s a great material to complete the exterior or interior of a project. 

One re-occurring negative to specifying timber cladding is its susceptibility to fire and with the industry turning to increased fire safety decisions, timber cladding is often overlooked. However, FireWright’s fire retardant timber treatment ensures timber cladding is rated Euroclass B s1,d0. FireWright stops the spread of flame and is rated s1 ensuring no smoke emissions when exposed to fire. FireWright allows architects to specify timber cladding with confidence, offering clients the great aesthetics of timber cladding while ensuring a safe solution for the project and clients.

Firstly, the use of fire-retardant treatments drastically improves the fire resistance of timber cladding, effectively mitigating the risk of ignition and inhibiting the spread of flames. This proactive measure not only safeguards the structure itself but also enhances overall building safety, offering occupants valuable time for evacuation in the event of a fire emergency.

Beyond its fire-resistant properties, fire retardant timber cladding presents architects with a sustainable solution that aligns with contemporary environmental sensibilities. Wood, as a renewable resource, boasts a significantly lower carbon footprint compared to alternative cladding materials such as concrete or metal. By specifying fire retardant timber, architects can effectively marry sustainability with safety, offering clients eco-conscious design solutions that resonate with the ethos of responsible architecture.

FireWright’s fire-retardant timber treatment is a clear impregnated solution, preserving the natural appearance and texture of the cladding. This allows architects to continue to harness the beauty of timber while concurrently meeting stringent fire safety standards. Specifying fire retardant timber cladding can also confer economic advantages to both architects and clients. While initial costs may marginally exceed those of untreated timber, the long-term savings accrued through insurance premiums can often outweigh the initial investment. The market demand for fire-safe construction materials is on the rise, positioning architects who advocate for fire retardant timber cladding as trailblazers in an industry increasingly prioritising safety and sustainability.

If you have questions about using fire retardant treatment for internal or external cladding, speak to one of our team. We offer a helping hand and can provide you with technical data sheets as well as information of our treatment process. 

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